Terms of Use

The following disclaimer and terms of use apply generally to all postings to the classifieds.rockyraja.com site. It is hereby also understood that any person posting to classifieds.rockyraja.com has been presented with this disclaimer and terms of use prior to doing so and, as such, be subject to its terms as indicated below. By visiting this website and using any of the products, services on this website, you agree to the following terms of use. If you do not agree with the following terms of use, please leave this website.

Global-free-classified-ads.com is not involved in any transaction between buyers and sellers. Website acts as an information distributor only (NOT as an information publisher) and website owner assumes no liability for the information or content posted on website. You expressly agree that use of classifieds.rockyraja.com is at your own risk. classifieds.rockyraja.com expressly disclaims all warranties of any kind, whether implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non infringement. It is provided to you "as is" and classifieds.rockyraja.com makes no warranty that classifieds.rockyraja.com will be timely, secure, error free, or meet your requirements; nor does classifieds.rockyraja.com make any warranty as to the results that may be obtained from the use of classifieds.rockyraja.com or as to the accuracy or reliability of any information obtained through classifieds.rockyraja.com. No party shall be liable to any other party or any third-party for third-party claims or losses of any nature, including, but not limited to, lost profits, punitive or consequential damages. classifieds.rockyraja.com reserves the right to remove any listings or any advertisements for any reason.



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The information found within The classifieds.rockyraja.com is for informational purposes only and NOT intended as medical, legal, or professional advice. You must evaluate, and bear the risk associated with, the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any Content. classifieds.rockyraja.com shall not be responsible for any Content. classifieds.rockyraja.com does not prescreen or monitor all Content as a matter of policy, but classifieds.rockyraja.com shall have the right, but not the responsibility, to remove Content which is deemed in sole discretion harmful, offensive, or otherwise in violation of this Disclaimer and Terms of Use or any rules classifieds.rockyraja.com has in place at the time. classifieds.rockyraja.com may elect at its sole discretion to monitor some, all, or no areas of classifieds.rockyraja.com for adherence to this Terms or rules.



We reserve the right to remove any content Publish on our site at any time for any reason. classifieds.rockyraja.com will make decisions as to whether content violates any Terms in its discretion after we have actual notice of such posting. We treat free members and premium members equally when dealing with terms violation. Without limiting our right to remove content, we have attempted to provide guidelines to those posting content on our site. When using classifieds.rockyraja.com, please do not post material that:

  • Contains vulgar, profane, abusive, racist or hateful language or expressions, epithets or slurs, text, photographs or illustrations in poor taste, inflammatory attacks of a personal, racial or religious nature.
  • We do not accept any ads for "Escorts services".
  • We do not accept any ads for "dating" type websites and services.
  • We do not accept any ads which contain any adult content, here are some other examples of unacceptable content:
  • Lewd or provocative images;
  • Crude or indecent language, including adult stories;
  • Sexual tips or advice;
  • Sexual fetish sites (e.g. foot fetish content);
  • Adult toys or products;
  • We do not accept any of the following:
  • Alcohol-related content;
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  • Gambling content;
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  • Is defamatory, threatening, disparaging, grossly inflammatory, false, misleading, fraudulent, inaccurate, unfair, contains gross exaggeration or unsubstantiated claims, violates the privacy rights of any third party, is unreasonably harmful or offensive to any individual or community.
  • Discriminates on the grounds of race, religion, national origin, gender, age, marital status, sexual orientation or disability, or refers to such matters in any manner prohibited by law.
  • Uploads copyrighted or other proprietary material of any kind on classifieds.rockyraja.com without the express permission of the owner of that material.
  • We do not accept advertisements for prescription pharmacies or prescription/ nonprescription drugs, controlled substances, or drug paraphernalia,or linking to. Regardless of the availability of license and purpose.
  • To publish repeatedly the same or similar Content (regardless of categories or regions). You may place just one ad about your product /service / item in one the most suitable category and in that region where the product you sell is located or an office providing a service is located (How to show your ad in additional regions, without adding double ad, refer to the Help page).
  • Violates or inappropriately encourages the violation of any municipal, state, federal or international law, rule, regulation or ordinance.
  • You may not include any text, links, graphics, content or other elements in your ad which are not directly related to the item/product/service being advertised.
  • Advertises, promotes or offers to trade any goods or services, except in areas specifically designated for such purpose.
  • To publish Content in the irrelevant category. You may not place your ad in the irrelevant category. You may place just one ad about your product /service / item in one the most suitable category.
  • Ads that have no product. Your ads must be selling something. It must have a specific product/service/item, It must have a the appropriate description. We do not allow ads that just say, "come to my web site for details" in the description. While we allow you to post your site URL (only to page of your site of a containing detail of the ad) in the ad, if your ad does not contain the details of the product, including price or a price range, listed in the subject, it will be removed.
  • Various product/service/item in one ad is not allowed. Only one product/service/item in one ad.
  • ALL-CAPS ADS WILL NOT BE PUBLISHED. We suggest that you only use ALL-CAPS where necessary in your ad description. All Titles are published in a Very Large Distinguishable Font Style, so you should not need to use ALL-CAPS there either. You can draw special attention to ads in the ways intended for this purpose.
  • You may not include words or phrases into your ad title or description that are there for the sole purpose of returning your ad for more search phrases (Keyword Stuffing). Your ad must be readable and the content must reflect the item/service being advertised and nothing else.
  • You may not include your site domain name (example: my-domain-name.com), telephone number, email into your ad title.
  • Uploads or transmits viruses or other harmful, disruptive or destructive files.
  • Weapons and related items (such as firearms, firearm parts and magazines, ammunition, BB and pellet guns, tear gas, stun guns, switchblade knives, and martial arts weapons).
  • Disrupts, interferes with, or otherwise harms or violates the security of classifieds.rockyraja.com, or any services, system resources, accounts, passwords, servers or networks connected to or accessible through classifieds.rockyraja.com or affiliated or linked sites.



As used herein, the term "Posting Agent" refers to a third-party agent, service, or intermediary that offers to post Content to the Service on behalf of others. classifieds.rockyraja.com prohibits the use of Posting Agents, directly or indirectly, without the express written permission of classifieds.rockyraja.com In addition, Posting Agents are not permitted to post Content on behalf of others, directly or indirectly, or otherwise access the Service to in order to post Content on behalf of others, except with express written permission or license from classifieds.rockyraja.com.




Placement of ads on our site is absolutely free. However we offer some paid advertizing services (according to your needs) which improve ad viewability on the site.

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You agree that you will not upload or transmit any Content to classifieds.rockyraja.com that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary rights ("Rights") of any party. By submitting Content to classifieds.rockyraja.com you automatically grant or warrant that the owner of such Content has expressly granted classifieds.rockyraja.com the royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive right and license to use, reproduce, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, perform and display such Content (in whole or part) worldwide and/or to incorporate it in other works in any form, media, or technology now known or later developed for the full term of any Rules that may exist in such Content.




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classifieds.rockyraja.com reserves the right to modify this policy at any time and without advance notice, effective upon making the modified provisions available on the classifieds.rockyraja.com Web Site. You are responsible for regularly reviewing these documents. Continued use of the classifieds.rockyraja.com Web Site after any such changes shall constitute your consent to such changes. classifieds.rockyraja.com does not and will not assume any obligation to notify you of any changes to the Disclaimer and Terms of Use.